Community Bread Making
Around bread we are all EQUAL!
Welcome to BREAD Encounters where everything we do revolves around bread, kindness and community.
We are a 501(c)(3) non profit organization and an official licensee of International Council for Cultural Centers (I3C) BREAD Houses Network program, certified to use their methods.
We are excited to connect with you and/or your community in order for you to have your first of hopefully many BREAD Encounters!
Check out our NEWS page to see what we are and have been up to lately!
Spread Kindness by Sharing
a Simple, Delicious Home Baked
Loaf of Bread
What is BREAD Encounters?
BREAD Encounters is an organization founded on the belief that bread has the power to change the world for the better!
BREAD as an acronym stands for Bread bakers Rise, Empower And Dough It!
Our mission is to spread kindness and drive positive social change through unique community building bread activities which foster unity, inclusion and creativity.
Purposeful "bread encounters" nourish our body and soul. They serve to
... bring communities together to make and break bread and to "share the loaf" with those in need
... educate and revive the craft of making our own healthful bread with focus on the benefits of sourdough
... promote creativity, hope and healing through Bread Therapy®
We are passionate bread bakers and certified in The Bread Houses Network's (BHN) methods of Bread Therapy®. As such, BREAD Encounters fully embraces the BHN mission "to inspire individuals and communities around the world to discover and develop their creative potential and cooperate across gender, age, ethnic, and religious background through collective bread-making and accompanying art forms..."
Let's dough it together!
Because we knead it.
Upcoming Events

Our Mission
Our mission is to spread kindness and drive positive social change through unique community-building bread activities which foster unity, inclusion and creativity.